When debating if we should move house or stay in Farnborough, one of the biggest factors in our decision to move was the hope that we would be settled in a new home before the girls started school, which would be less disruptive to their lives than if we moved in a few years once they had started school.
We thought that the move would have a bigger impact on Chloe, since she is older and possibly more attached to our old house. However, she has generally adapted to the move really well and is enjoying, making friends with the neighbors, playing in the street and interacting with animals in the garden.

Unfortunately, Hollie appears to have been more unsettled by the move than we had anticipated. Since moving, bedtime has been a real challenge and she has started refusing to sleep in her bed, which she generally slept quite happily in at the old house.
We decorated the girls rooms when we moved in and brought them a few new things to make it feel as homely as possible, but that doesn’t seem to have made any difference.
I am typically a stubborn parent and rarely back down when faced with a challenging child. However, to enable us to have our evenings, we have allowed Hollie to sleep on her floor cushion. We have moved her to the bed a couple of times once she is asleep, but she typically wakes up and drags herself back to the floor cushion.

Bedtime or 'floortime' as we should probably call it, has become a little easier in the last week or two and it feels like she is starting to adapt to our new surroundings. After returning from a long weekend in Devon where she slept quite happily in the 'holiday bed', we had hoped that we might be able to transition to her bed at home. However, she refused and is now back on the floor.
Hopefully, at some point, she will return to sleeping in the bed……